Tuition, Fees & Expenses < University of Louisville (2024)

On This Page

  • Tuition and Fees
  • Payment
  • Failure to Settle Account
  • Refund/Withdrawal Policy

Tuition and Fees

NOTE: Actualcharges will be finalized in June.

For the 2023-24 academic year, the tuition for residents of Kentucky is $44,088,610 per year. For nonresidents, the tuition is $67,564 per year. These amounts do not include the following fees: technology fee, HSC health fee, disability insurance fee, drug screening fee, recreation fee, application for degree, reinstatement, replacement diploma and transcripts. The first transcript after completion of a degree is free.

Fees and refund schedules are established by the University of Louisville Board of Trustees and are subject to change without prior notice. The current Schedule of Courses should be consulted for current fees and refund schedules.


Tuition and fees are due on, or before, the designated due date for the semester. Payment may be made by cash, paper check, money order,or financial aid credit. All electronic check (ACH) or credit card payments (transaction fee applies) may only be remitted electronically via the web payment portal. Payments may be made by mail, by use of the deposit boxin the front entrance of the Houchens Building, or at the Office of the Bursar.

Failure to receive the Statement of Account will not relieve the student of the responsibility for making financial settlement by the designated due date. Continuing registrations which are not financially settled by the designed due date will be placed on financial hold and affected students will not be permitted to add or swap classes until their student account is financially settled.

The continuing registration designated due dates are listed in the current Registration Information newspaper and on the Bursar’s web site at: Due Dates).

Failure to Settle Account

Students whose accounts are not paid by the established semester payment due dates may be subject to financial penalties such as a Bursar Registration Hold. A Bursar Registration Hold may prevent a student from registering and/or obtaining an official transcript or diploma.When thestudent account is paid in full, this Bursar Registration Holdmay belifted. If your payment is remitted via a paper or e-check, a 21 day delay must pass before the lifting of the Bursar Registration Hold. Effective Spring 2015 a late payment fee of $100 may be assessed when student accounts are not paid by the last day to drop/add. A student whose payment is not honored by the bank on which it was drawn may be assessed a return payment fee of $25.00. If restitution is not made within 10 days of notification, the student may be subject to course cancellation, financial penalties and/or legal action.

Students whose accounts are not paid by the established semester deadlines may be subject to financial penalties. Students with unpaid account balances will have a Bursar Registration Hold placed on their student account. Students that have a Bursar Registration Hold become ineligible for further registration and transcripts will not be released until the student account is paid in full. Effective Spring 2015 a late payment fee of $100.00 may be assessed when student accounts are not paid by the last day to drop/add for the semester.

A return payment fee of $25.00 may be assessed when payment is not honored by the bank on which it was drawn. If restitution is not made within 10 days of notification, the student may be subject to financial penalties and/or legal action.

Debtors who do not make satisfactory payment arrangements on their past due accounts may have their accounts placed with a billing service. If not paid through the billing service, the unpaid account may be forwarded to a collection agency. It is the policy of the University that unpaid accounts will be assessed the costs and expenses of collection, including attorney fees. Any E-check or Paper Check payment that is remitted on a Past Due by a previously enrolled student will be subject to a 21 day delay on having their Bursar Registration Hold lifted.

Refund/Withdrawal Policy

When a student officially withdraws from the University or from any course, or courses, for which hourly tuition rates apply, tuition and student activity fee charges will be adjusted according to the tuition reduction schedulelocated within the University’s withdrawal

The full amount of tuition/fee charges for the semester will be due unless the withdrawal occurs during the tuition reduction period, or in the event of a compassionate withdrawal. The effective withdrawal date is the date on which the withdrawal is processed in the Student Records System. This date is used in calculating any applicable tuition reduction.This policy applies to all tuition and student activity fees except for nonrefundable deposits.Course fees, special fees, and laboratory fees are reduced only with the 100% adjustment.For more information

Tuition, Fees & Expenses < University of Louisville (2024)


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