Glutes and Hamstrings Workout (Strengthen Your Legs) (2024)

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Glutes and Hamstrings Workout (Strengthen Your Legs) (1)

Published by Christiana Mikesch, CPT | Senior Coach

Last updated: March 11, 2024

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As a trainer with over a decade of experience helping clients achieve their fitness goals, I can attest to the importance of building the glutes and hamstrings.

These muscle groups are essential for strength, athletic performance, and lower-body aesthetics.

I spent months reviewing clinical trials of various glute and hamstring exercises in search of the best ones.

In this article, I’ll share my list of these exercises, a workout split you can do, and some tips to maximize your gains.

Quick Summary

  • The best exercises for your glutes and hamstrings include barbell hip thrusts, Bulgarian split squats, weighted step-ups, glute bridges, the Romanian deadlift, lying leg curls, Nordic hamstring curls, and Swiss-ball hamstring curls.
  • Focusing on glute and hamstring training is essential not only for athletic performance but also for enhancing the lower body's symmetry and aesthetic appeal.
  • The National Institute of Health (NIH) emphasizes the importance of progressive overload in exercise routines for steady strength gains and muscle hypertrophy.
  • In my view, you can work your glute and hamstring muscles on the same day, but it’s better to have separate training days for both muscle groups.

Table of Contents

Quick SummaryBest Glute and Hamstring Workout Routine

Glute and Hamstring Workout SplitTips To Maximize Your GainsSafety TipsBenefits of Training Your Hamstrings and GlutesFAQs


Best Glute and Hamstring Workout Routine

Our list includes four exercises for each muscle group.

Best Exercises for the Glutes

Glutes and Hamstrings Workout (Strengthen Your Legs) (2)

Here’s our list of best exercises to target glutesand build a strong, bulletproof butt:

1. Barbell Hip Thrust

The hip thrust exercise targets the gluteus maximus and helps improve hip extension, which is essential for athletic performance.

Position yourself on a bench with your shoulders resting on it, your knees bent, and your feet hip-width apart and planted firmly.

Once in the starting position, hold a barbell across your hips and thrust them upward, squeezing your glutes at the top, before lowering back down in a straight line.

You can consider a popular hip thrust machine if you're not a fan of the barbell.

2. Bulgarian Split Squat

This exercise strengthens the glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps while improving your balance and stability.

To do this exercise, place your left foot behind you on an elevated surface and your right foot forward.

Lower into a squat with the core tight, keeping the front knee behind the toes. Repeat for reps, and switch feet.

3. Weighted Step-Ups

Glutes and Hamstrings Workout (Strengthen Your Legs) (3)

I ususally include weighted step-ups into my clients routines as a great way to target their glutes, hamstrings, and quads and enhance their lower body strength and power.

To do them, hold dumbbells in each hand, step up onto an elevated surface with the left foot, and then push through the heel to bring the right foot up.

Repeat for reps before switching to the right foot.

4. Glute Bridges

Glute bridges strengthen the glutes and hamstrings while improving hip mobility and lower back stability.

To do them, lie on your back in the starting position—knees bent and feet flat on the ground, shoulder-width apart.

Lift the hips, squeezing the glutes at the top, then lower back down.

Looking for more Glute and Hip Related Articles?

  • Glute Bridge vs Hip Thrust
  • Best Glute Exercises for Mass
  • The Best Upper Glute Workouts
  • Glute Ham Raise Alternatives

Best Exercises for the Hamstring

Glutes and Hamstrings Workout (Strengthen Your Legs) (4)

Here’s our list of best hamstring exercises for strength and mass:

1. Romanian Deadlift

This compound movement works your hamstrings, glutes, and lower back.

When doing this exercise, get into a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Maintain a slight bend in your knees and a neutral spine as you hinge at the hips and lower the barbell toward the ground.

You can also do a single-leg variation to target the right leg and left leg individually.

“[The Romanian deadlift] emphasizes hip extension and doesn't force you to get into a range of motion where you're actually putting your lumbar at risk.”

- Dr. Eric Helms, PhD, Strength & Conditioning Coach

2. Lying Leg Curl

Leg curls are an isolation exercise that directly targets the hamstring muscles.

Adjust the leg curl machine with the appropriate alignment and control the movement throughout the exercise.

You can also do these with your left and right legs individually.

3. Nordic Hamstring Curl

Glutes and Hamstrings Workout (Strengthen Your Legs) (5)

This advanced bodyweight exercise requires a workout buddy or an anchored setup to secure your feet.

Use your hamstrings to control the descent and ascent of your torso.

4. Swiss-Ball Hamstring Curl

This bodyweight exercise is perfect for beginners.

With your feet on a Swiss ball and your upper body anchored on the ground, lift your hips and curl the ball toward your glutes.

Engage your hamstrings throughout the movement.

Glute and Hamstring Workout Split

Glutes and Hamstrings Workout (Strengthen Your Legs) (6)

Here’s what a beginner workout split would look like:

  • Monday: Leg workout. Include 1–2 hamstring isolation exercises (3 sets of 8–10 reps)
  • Tuesday: Chest and triceps workout
  • Wednesday: Active rest
  • Thursday: Back and biceps workout. Toss in 1–2 glute exercises (3 sets of 8–10 reps)
  • Friday: Shoulders
  • Saturday: Active recovery or rest
  • Sunday: Active recovery or rest

If you’re well into your fitness journey, a sample workout split for your glutes and hamstrings will look like this:

  • Monday: Leg workout. Hamstring work will include 3–4 exercises (3 sets of 8–12 reps each)
  • Tuesday: Chest and triceps
  • Wednesday: Active rest
  • Thursday: Shoulders and glute. Glute work will include 3–4 exercises (3 sets of 8–12 reps each)
  • Friday: Back and biceps
  • Saturday: Active recovery or rest
  • Sunday: Active recovery or rest

Tips To Maximize Your Gains

Glutes and Hamstrings Workout (Strengthen Your Legs) (7)

Here are some friendly tips I always give to my clients to maximize their glute and hamstring strength:

  • Form: Perfect form prevents injury and ensures maximum muscle engagement for maximum hypertrophy and strength gains.
  • Progressive overload: According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), gradually increasing the weight, volume, or intensity of your exercises will help you make steady progress [1].
  • Mind-muscle connection: Focus on the targeted muscles during each exercise to enhance their activation and growth. In our experience, this is especially true when doing glute isolation exercises.
  • Supplements: Take high-quality protein supplements to enhance muscle recovery and achieve your fitness goals faster.

Safety Tips

Glutes and Hamstrings Workout (Strengthen Your Legs) (8)

Here are a few safety tips that I always tell my clients to keep in mind during their glute and hamstring routine:

  • Warm-up: Begin your lifts with a dynamic warm-up to fire up your muscles and joints for the heavy loads. Avoid static stretches because, according to NIH, they can decrease your performance [2].
  • Use a spotter: For heavy lifts or unfamiliar exercises, have a spotter ready to assist you with racking, assisted reps, and safety.
  • Know your limits: It’s tempting to start heavy, but overloading the glutes and hamstrings can lead to serious injuries. Start very light (even if it means using only your body weight) and slowly progress to prevent injury and promote long-term progress.
  • Stretch and cool down: As NIH notes, you should finish your workout with a cool-down and stretch to maintain flexibility and reduce muscle soreness [3].

Benefits of Training Your Hamstrings and Glutes

Training your hamstrings and glutes offers numerous benefits, which are essential for a well-rounded fitness routine. Here are five key advantages I've noticed in my years of experience:

  1. Enhanced lower lody strength: Targeting your hamstrings and glutes through exercises like squats, deadlifts, and lunges helps build significant lower body strength. This strength can improve your performance in various activities, such as lifting, running, and sports.
  2. Injury prevention: A strong posterior chain (hamstrings and glutes) contributes to better stability and reduces the risk of injuries, particularly in the lower back and knees. Strengthening these muscles can help maintain proper alignment and support during daily activities and workouts.
  3. Improved athletic performance: Strong hamstrings and glutes are crucial for athletic endeavors. Whether you're a sprinter, a soccer player, or a cyclist, well-developed hamstrings and glutes play a vital role in generating power, speed, and explosiveness.
  4. Enhanced posture and back health: Weak hamstrings and glutes can contribute to poor posture and lower back pain. Training these muscles helps improve your posture by providing the necessary support for your spine, which can alleviate discomfort and reduce the risk of chronic back issues.
  5. Aesthetic benefits: Building and toning your hamstrings and glutes can contribute to a more aesthetically pleasing physique. Well-defined glutes and hamstrings can help shape your lower body, providing a balanced and appealing appearance.


Should I Train Glutes and Hamstrings Together?

Yes, you should ideally train the glutes and hamstrings together. Many of the best glute exercises, like deadlifts and hip thrusts, also work the hamstrings.

How Often Should I Train Glutes and Hamstrings?

You should train your glutes and hamstrings at least once a week. You can train them together or separately. But it’s always best to work your hamstrings with other leg muscles.



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About The Author

Glutes and Hamstrings Workout (Strengthen Your Legs) (9)

Christiana Mikesch, CPT

Senior Coach


Christiana Mikesch is an author and Online Health & Fitness Coach who's contributed to publications including Chicago Tribune and Yahoo. She specializes in supporting individuals, especially women, with their weight loss goals.

Her unique approach to a “Lean Lifestyle” incorporates a well-rounded balance of an energy-fueling diet, a goal-oriented workout program, and daily weight loss habits.

Christiana is the founder of the 15/21 Ultimatum, a 21-Day Challenge that kickstarts your lean lifestyle modeled from some of the most effective celebrity workouts.

Glutes and Hamstrings Workout (Strengthen Your Legs) (2024)


Glutes and Hamstrings Workout (Strengthen Your Legs)? ›

Working your glutes, quads, and hamstrings with exercises such as deadlifts, squats, and lunges helps to maximize and boost athletic performance. Avoid overtraining your quads and balance your routine to target your glutes and hamstrings as well. Lower-body muscles create a strong, stable foundation.

Do glute workouts help with legs? ›

Working your glutes, quads, and hamstrings with exercises such as deadlifts, squats, and lunges helps to maximize and boost athletic performance. Avoid overtraining your quads and balance your routine to target your glutes and hamstrings as well. Lower-body muscles create a strong, stable foundation.

Do hamstrings make your legs look better? ›

Not only do well developed hamstrings look great, but they're also important for preventing injury, and helping your leg produce force in a well-balanced manner.

Is training glutes and legs the same? ›

Technically the glutes are part of the muscles of the butt, but they're involved in pretty much all movements that utilize the lower extremities and are called on during most leg exercises (including the ones below).

How many times a week should I train legs to grow glutes? ›

The truth is that doing so could be counterproductive and leave you with less-than-desirable results. To see the best results, you should only look at training your glutes 2-4 times a week, making sure never to train them on consecutive days to give them an excellent chance to recover and grow.

Can weak legs be strengthened? ›

Resistance Training — Resistance training with free weights or weight machines is a great way to improve leg strength and add an extra kick to the latter stages of your run and walk.

What is the fastest way to strengthen your legs? ›

Start with this six-move starter pack to build leg muscle strength.
  1. Sit-to-Stand. Sit in the center of a chair (that has sturdy legs, not wheels). ...
  2. Step-Ups. Stand in front of a stair, with both feet planted on the ground about hip-width apart. ...
  3. Lateral Band Walk. ...
  4. Lunges. ...
  5. Deadlifts. ...
  6. Calf Raises.
Feb 29, 2024

How to strengthen weak legs naturally? ›

Exercises to try at home
  1. Step ups. Step up a stair, alternating left foot and right foot. ...
  2. Chair squat. Stand in front of a chair and squat down slowly as if to sit down. ...
  3. Standing heel raises. Stand behind a chair with both hands on the chair back. ...
  4. Standing toe raises. ...
  5. Single leg balance.
Feb 7, 2023

What kind of legs are most attractive? ›

Key points. Studies have shown that men prefer women with longer-than-average legs and a higher leg-length-to-body ratio. Men's interest in women's legs may explain the preference for tall fashion models.

How to tell if you have weak hamstrings? ›

To see if your hamstrings are weak or tight, bend over and touch your toes. If your toes and fingers do not meet, you may have tight or weak hamstrings. Your hamstring muscles are susceptible to both, overuse injuries and acute or sudden injury.

What if I only train glutes? ›

Focusing on one area — especially the butt — can lead to muscle imbalances, tightness, injury, and poor posture. Your glute exercise plan should include plenty of stretching and rest days. It's also important to incorporate full-body training into your exercise routine, and target all areas, not just the glutes.

Should I train glutes or legs first? ›

Rule 2: Hit the glutes hard, and hit them first

Your glutes are the largest, strongest muscle group on your lower body, and giving them a challenge right off the bat sets the perfect tone for everything else to come. In fact, Bailey starts her lower-body workout with three glute-focused moves!

Does walking build glutes? ›

The shape of the buttocks is defined by muscles known as the glutes. That's the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus, as well as the fat that lies over them. Walking, running, and climbing all work the glutes.

What is the point of working out glutes? ›

Increase power and exercise performance. Your gluteals assist in forward propulsion during running by creating explosive hip extension. They are essential to acceleration, jumping and even heavy lifting. If your gluteal muscles get weak, you may find yourself less powerful and less efficient.

Are squats better for legs or glutes? ›

Exercise variety is key when training the glutes, but the squat is definitely a staple. The squat is one of the most effective glute-training exercises. When performed properly it not only targets all of the glute muscles, but also the quads, hamstrings, inner thighs, and calves—as well as the core muscles.

How do you target glutes instead of legs? ›

Exercises to Sculpt Stronger Glutes
  1. Barbell glute bridges. ...
  2. American deadlift. ...
  3. Pull-throughs and kettlebell swings. ...
  4. Single leg foot elevated hip thrust. ...
  5. Hip abduction movements. ...
  6. Or ask your personal trainer to create the perfect training plan to do online or at-home.
Oct 13, 2020


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