Airport Badging | Ogden, UT (2024)

Badge Process

Step 1: Application

  1. Download the Badge Application (PDF Fillable form)
  2. Complete sections 1, 3, 4 and 5 of the application. Do not fill in any other boxes.
    1. Section 6 is for anyone who is under the age of 18 years. The Badging office does not have a notary, please have it notarized before submitting.
  3. Have the form signed by an authorized signer / Hangar owner or business sponsor.

Step 2: Background Check/ Identification Documents

For AOA / SIDA Access Badges: Every badge type requires a Security Threat Assessment (STA). Information on the airport application will be submitted to the Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS). DHS will perform a background check and we should have the results in 5-7 days. Foreign born or non-US citizen may take longer. Step 2 must be completed before the badging process can continue.

For SIDA Access Badges: Fingerprinting is required, the Badging office will provide you with the fingerprinting card and address for where you will be fingerprinted. Fingerprinting is performed by the Ogden Police Dept.. You must make an appointment with the Ogden Police Dept to be fingerprinted. A Warrant/Felony check will be performed on your name and social security number. If you have outstanding issues, you will need to meet with the Ogden Airport Manager. The Airport Manager will decide on a case by case situation if you can continue the badge process.

All applicants must provide UNEXPIRED,ORIGINAL ISSUED PAPERidentification documents that show proof of identity and eligibility to work in the United States. (Photos or copies of the required documents are not acceptable) Passport OR Driver’s License and Original Birth Certificate OR Driver’s License and Original Social Security Card are the best forms of identification for each applicant.Reference the last page of the badge application (Form I-9) for clarification of acceptable documents.

Make sure you bring your sponsor signed application and 2 forms of identification into the Airport Badging Office with you when submitting your application.

When submitting your initial application an appointment will be made once you bring in your application and documents are verified.

Original documents will only be accepted. COPIES (PAPER OR PHOTOS) are not accepted.

An appointment is not needed to turn your application in. Reminder Badging Office hours are between 9:00 a.m. and 4: 00 p.m. Closed for Lunch 12 p.m. - 1 p.m.

Once application is verified, and information reviewed. An appointment will then be scheduled 4-5 days out for TSA clearance to be given


Step 3: TSA Training / Badging

  1. TSA Badge training is by appointment only and takes an hour. Be on time. If you are 15 minutes late or more, you will be rescheduled for a later date.
  2. TSA badge training must be completed within 30 days of your background check or application submittal. Once that 30 day window expires, your application will be removed from the process, you will be required to resubmit your application, and pay the fees for processing a new application.
  3. Upon successful completion of the required TSA training and security checks, your AOA badge will be issued. For SIDA badges, one will be issued as soon as your Criminal History Records Check (CHRC) results are given a PASS.

Hours of Operation (Appointment Only)

Badging office is located temporarily at the old Firestation next door to the Terminal building at 3909 Airport Road Ogden, Utah 84405

Closed - Lunch 12 pm - 1 pm, and Weekends & Holidays.

Walk-ins for TSA Training are strictly not allowed. By appointment only.

Appointment time will be scheduled once application is submitted, application fee is paid and required documentation is verified.

Badging Office Phone: 801-629-8262

Lost Badge

Call the Badging office immediately at 801-629-8262 so we can turn off your badge. If there is no answer, PLEASE leave a voicemail with your name and phone number so we can call you.

Return a Badge

Badges can be turned in at the Badging office during normal office hours.

If you want to mail in your badge - Call the Badging office so 1) We can turn off your badge in case it gets lost in the mail and 2) We are aware you are mailing it to us. If possible, provide us with a tracker number.

Mail to: Ogden Regional Airport, Attn: Badging Office, 3909 Airport Road, Ogden, Utah, 84405.

If you are unable to return your badge by the above methods, please call the Badging office.

Test your Badge

Airport Badging | Ogden, UT (1)The Badge test pad is on the right hand side of the Terminal entrance vestibule. Access to this test pad is 24/7 allowing the Badge holder to verify that their badge is working. This location provides the ability to test your badge instead of using the Vehicle or Pedestrian gate pads. This pad works the same as the Badge pads at the gate.

  1. Hold your Badge momentarily up to the pad, the pad will BEEP.
  2. Enter your 4 digit pin and then the # key.
  3. The blue beacon lite will flash if your badge is working properly.
  4. IF your badge doesn't work, make sure you are using the correct PIN otherwise, please contact the Badging Office.

Badge Renewals

Please call the Badging office 30 days prior to your badge expiration date to schedule an appointment time. Your expiration date is on the bottom of your badge in bold. The Badging office will not contact you to remind you about your badge expiring.

The renewal process is the same process as the new badge process. Please follow the Badge Process steps for renewal. TSA requires that you resubmit documentation as was required when you first applied for your badge.

Have your filled out application signed by your sponsoring agent.

Badging Fee *

Payment by Credit or Debit card only. Cash can not be accepted.

New / Renewal Badge Fee (2 years) .......... AOA $60 / SIDA $110
Lost Badge Fine & Replacement Fee .......... AOA $160 / SIDA $210

* Badging, STA, & CHRC fees may increase as the costs to the Airport increase

Forms / Handouts / Policies

Policy 2070 Airport Identification Badges (May 18, 2021)

Badge Application (PDF Fillable form)

Driver Training Brochure (legal size, 4 fold)

Security Procedures Handout (Coming Soon)

Airport Badging  | Ogden, UT (2024)


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Author information

Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.